GUIDE: 12 Problems of Procurement (and how to solve them)

Sign into ProcurePro securely with Microsoft Entra single sign-on

Sign into ProcurePro securely with Microsoft Entra single sign-on

Company data and information remains secure, thanks to fast single sign-on with connected permissions.
How our Microsoft Entra integration works

How our Microsoft Entra integration works

  • Check icon Allows users to sign into ProcurePro with a single secure login
  • Check icon Users and their details are automatically updated in ProcurePro when changes are made within Microsoft Entra - no need for double data entry
  • Check icon Centralises user management to provide greater controls and security over access
  • Check icon An improved experience for ProcurePro users with seamless platform access

Centralising authentication

A quicker, more secure login experience, no need to remember (or forget) an endless number of passwords.

Peace of mind

Tighter access controls with automatic updating of account permissions.

Enjoy the magic

Increased accessibility for your project teams, less support tickets for your IT or admin teams.

Alchemy Construct

"I could never imagine going back. I don't think it would be possible to even imagine doing procurement without ProcurePro again."

Adrian Gilmore
Adrian Gilmore
Contracts Manager, Alchemy Construct

About Microsoft Entra

Microsoft Entra (formerly Azure) is a cloud-based identity and access management system, centralising permissions for multiple platforms all in one place. This provides users with a single login that enables access on any platform integrated with Entra. When users are added or removed within Entra, permissions for integrated systems are automatically updated, so that the right people can access the right information.

Sophisticated, secure access to all procurement activity

Learn how your team can save 50% of their time spent procuring.