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The Treasure Trove of Construction: Procurement Data

By Alastair Blenkin, published 20 Mar 2023
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Procurement is such a fundamental part of commercial construction, but its potential to increase project profitability is barely being tapped into.

There's so much gold to be found within procurement data, but it's no secret that it's hard to get to.

The data infrastructure required to build, maintain and continuously iterate the right kind of reports that allow project teams to access actionable insights is immense.

Not to mention, the need for a procurement software solution that captures live data is paramount.

Luckily for Head Contractors, ProcurePro has both the procurement software and the live procurement insights that finally enable them to take complete control of procurement.

It's phenomenally easy to adopt and is already being used by Australia's leading Head Contractors.

Check out this article I wrote that goes into detail on Construction's Data Treasure Trove!

Interested to hear more about this? I'll also be presenting at the Future of Construction Summit on 3-4 May, 2023. Don't miss this one!

Alastair Blenkin

Alastair Blenkin

Alastair Blenkin is the Founder & CEO of Construction-Technology company, ProcurePro - game changing procurement software for Head Contractors. His passion for building technology to transform industries was catalysed in the legal sector. He has experienced first-hand the staggering inefficiencies of high-volume enterprise contracting using legacy systems. This fuelled Alastair’s passion for leveraging technology to change the way the game is played.

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